Cathy Chen (陈坦) Physics(双语物理) 华中师范大学理论物理学硕士,一直致力于国际教育行业,独到的物理学科教学思路,洞悉物理学科前沿知识,对学科重难点了如指掌,追求教学创新,课堂上注重与学生互动,善于发掘学生的特长。
Joan Fu(付先琼) Student Management(学生管理工作) 一直致力于教育行业,从事学生管理工作及心理教育10余年,具有丰富的管理经验,善于与学生及家长沟通排解疑难问题,曾多次获得优秀工作者荣誉称号,具有较强的责任心和耐心。
Ryan Fu-Sum 英语,生物 医学科技与环境工程双学士;来自美国弗罗里达州,迄今6年多的教学经验,熟知中国学生特点,重视科技产品在教学中的使用,教学生动活泼,赢得学生们一致好评。 Studied Medical Technology and Environmental Engineering;His hometown is Orlando, Florida, USA where he went to school. He has been teaching for 6 years after working in the medical laboratory and focuses on student engagement through the use of technology. His class is lively and active, which makes him quite popular among students. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
晏娜 物理 中国科学院研究所化学工程硕士,托福考试高分获得者,口语流利;毕业后一直从事英语和双语国际课程教学工作,授课风格轻松活波,善于与学习沟通,因材施教,同时对学生认真负责,得到了学生的一致好评。Tiffany   Subject: PhysicsMajor in chemical engineering and graduated from Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fluent in oral English;she has been engaged in the teaching of bilingual international physics courses. Her teaching style is active and lively. She is good at communicating with students and adopts suitable way for each student in accordance with their aptitude.
陈会芹 学术管理,英语 荷兰奈梅亨大学,语言学硕士。十多年国际教育工作经历以及一线教学工作;熟知国际课程体系,深谙国际课程差异。重视教与学,以及教师的创造意识,从而提升教学水平。Peggy ChenAcademic AdministrationMaster degree of a Dutch University; more than ten years’ working experience in international programs; experienced in academic administration and teaching administration; also engaged in English teaching. She is familiar with international high school systems as well as their difference. She focuses on both teaching and learning and encourages teachers to create more teaching approaches to improve the teaching quality.